Mark Levin is undeniably a patriot. Period. Everyday, he puts it all on the line to advance the cause of conservatism. Through his radio show, he educates his listeners on points of Constitutional law, as well as government abuses. His book, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, will light the way for conservative activism, and effectively end the liberal dominance in government. It has now reached over a million readers, and threatens the abuse of power of America’s Marxist controlled U.S. Congress.
Levin doesn’t do this because he seeks fame and fortune. Rather, he writes the book and does his daily radio show, because he has principles. These principles are laid out in his new book. He has more than ten, but these ten stand out above all others:
America is guided by morality, having an origin in God. America was born of the Judeo-Christian ethic, and our laws are governed by a morality, having an origin in God. It was the faith of the Founding Fathers, and so evident within the Declaration of Independence, that it is part of the tradition handed down by the Founding Fathers. In his book, on page 26, Levin writes about that faith of the Founding Fathers: “They were men of varying denominations but united and emphatic in the belief that the Creator was the origin of their existence and the source of their reason.”[1]
The U.S. Constitution is not a “living and breathing document.” Americans are guided by contracts, and the biggest of these contracts is the U.S. Constitution. It is the defining document which enables our rights, and delegates the powers to each branch of the U.S. Government, as well as to the states of the Union. It prevents societal experimentation, and was the mortar on which the bricks were laid in founding the country. Mark wrote on the U.S. Constitution saying, “The Constitution is the bedrock on which a living, evolving nation was built. It is—and must be—a timeless yet durable foundation that individuals can count on in a changing world. It is not perfect but the Framers made it more perfectible through the amendment process.”[2]
The Free Market fosters creativity and inventiveness. American conservatives know that businesses operating in a free market system are far more productive than any other businesses in the world. For they understand that to do away with this system will create high unemployment and expand poverty never before seen on American soil. Mark Levin agrees, writing, “The Free Market is the most transformative of economic systems. It fosters creativity and inventiveness. It produces new industries, products, and services, as it improves upon existing ones. With millions of individuals freely engaged in an infinite number and variety of transactions each day, it is impossible to even conceive all the changes and plans for changes occurring in our economy at any given time. The free market creates more wealth and opportunities for more people than any other economic model.”[3]
The Welfare State must be dissolved. Americans understand that to keep their traditions, the welfare state must be dissolved. It is through this state that generation after generation is chained in vicious cycles, stealing from one another to give to the next. This was not a principle handed down by our Founding Fathers, rather, it is a concept that has its roots based in the New Deal and Social Security. “If the Statist were to declare to devise a scheme whereby a grandparent would be stealing future earnings from his own grandchild, would the grandparent consent to such immoral behavior? Yet entitlement programs tend to be intergenerational swindles that threaten the well-being of future generations with massive financial obligation incurred from benefits received by today’s generation. The Holy Grail of such programs is Social Security, followed closely by Medicare and Medicaid.”[4]
Illegal immigration is against the law, and threatens our security, morality and traditions as a nation. America is a nation of immigrants, but then, according to Mark so is every nation in the world. We are made up of different cultures, but to indiscriminately allow illegal immigration is a threat to our security, culture, language, morals, traditions and customs. “No society can withstand the unconditional mass migration of aliens from every corner of the earth. The preservation of the nation’s territorial sovereignty, and the culture, language, mores, traditions, and customs that make possible harmonious community of citizens, dictate that citizenship be granted only by the consent of the governed—not by the unilateral actions or demands of the alien—and then only to aliens who will throw off their allegiance to their former nation and society and pledge their allegiance to America.”[5]
Enviro-statism is a threat to freedom and its citizens. Americans embrace science, and yet it is the conservative that is said to have abandoned science. Nevertheless, it is the Statist that has abandoned science. In the name of the environment, he seeks power, and has forsaken America and the truth. “With the assistance of a pliant or sympathetic media, the Statist uses junk science, misrepresentations, and fear-mongering to promote public health and environmental scares, because he realizes that in a true, widespread health emergency, the public expects the government to act aggressively to address the crisis, despite traditional limitations on governmental authority.”[6]
The Tenth Amendment should never be forgotten, keeping Federalism alive and well. The conservative knows all too well the intention of government is to grow. He understands that an overbearing and meddling federal government can reach with its long arm into the state in which he resides, spreading tyranny and limiting freedom. But the Tenth Amendment is not to be ignored; rather, it is that amendment which was to keep the intent of the Declaration of Independence. “Along with limiting federal power and separating that power among three competing branches, the federal system would help ensure that the Revolution’s principles, as set forth in the Declaration of Independence, and the civil society itself would be safeguarded. States are more likely to better reflect the interests of their citizens than the federal government. Localities are even more likely to better reflect these interests because the decision makers come from the communities they govern—they are directly affected by their own decisions.”[7]
Self Preservation is the reason for public policy. Conservatives understand that the reason for public policy is for the preservation and improvement of American society. It cannot be made in an experimental attempt to rush us into a Utopian society. It must be the same for American foreign policy. “The Founders recognized that America had to be strong politically, economically, culturally, and militarily to survive and thrive in a complex, ever-changing global environment not only in their time but for all time. History bears this out. After the Revolutionary War, the Founders realized that the Confederation was inadequate to conduct foreign affairs, since each state was free to act on its own. The authority of the national government to raise and maintain a standing army and use military power within the framework of a republican system was among the first matters addressed by the Framers when they presented the finished Constitution to the states for ratification. The Framers understood the complementary purpose of domestic and foreign policy.”[8]
Conservative activism must be maintained at all times to keep Americans educated. Conservatives know that we must continue to educate the masses of individuals that would rather watch American Idol than to even notice the amount of taxes taken from their paycheck. It is in this principle that we can never, under any circumstances, allow ourselves to fall into a malaise when in power. We must continue to be active in our educational opportunities. “The conservative must become more engaged in public matters. It is in his nature to live and let live, to attend to his family, to volunteer time with his church and synagogue, and to quietly assist a friend, a neighbor, or even a stranger. These are certainly admirable qualities that contribute to the overall health of a society. But it is no longer enough.”[9] We must be organized, resolved and aggressive in defeating the left, and keeping them down so that they never dare think of entering public life again.
Americans have the right to keep the fruit of his own labors. The conservative understands that in order to have more, he must be allowed to keep the fruits of his own labor. Taxes must be kept low, and government spending must be kept under control so that prosperity may ring throughout America. But it is the left that wishes for a powerful, federal government, spending us into debt for generations to come. The new Democrat controlled Congress has shown us that it will only continue to prolong recessionary trends. Therefore, taxes must be reduced to give people and business more disposable incomes. And all conservatives would agree that the progressive income tax must go. Mark thinks that the progressive income tax should be replaced with a flat or national sales tax: “Eliminate the progressive income tax—replace it with a flat income tax or a national sales tax—for its purpose is to redistribute wealth, not fund the constitutionally legitimate functions of the federal government. All residents must be required to pay the tax so they have a stake in limiting its abuse.”[10]
Conservative Americans know that this nation is headed towards socialism. They must be active, they must organize, and they must fight the “Statist” with every breath. They must not be complacent, or they will lose everything that has been achieved in 233 years. We must rid ourselves of the “Statists” in power, and the less than conservative members currently in office.
We must yell with a resounding NO, telling them that their final days have come. We will return this great country to its citizens, by limiting government spending and reducing taxes. It will become prosperous once again; insuring an America that’s debt is controlled for future generations.
In order to accomplish these goals, reading Mark Levin’s Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto should be the first on the list. This will give conservatives the education to battle the “Statist” and his agenda. It will help us to spread conservatism as though it were a California wildfire, burning and destroying the left and their future attempts at political office.
Armed with Mark Levin’s Ten Conservative Principles, we can begin to cut taxes, government spending, control and enforce illegal immigration, reform Social Security and Medicare, have a strong and appropriate foreign policy, keep organizations of faith strong in America and abide by the U.S. Constitution. Most of all we can “insure blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,” as stated in the Preamble to the Constitution, and we can provide them an opportunity at “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence. We can therefore crush the left and the tyranny they spread.
With Mark Levin’s Ten Conservative Principles, there is nothing we can’t accomplish. America can become that “shining city on a hill,” just as Reagan said. But we must begin now. Or in Mark Levin’s words, “We Conservatives need to get busy.”[11]
[1] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 26
[2] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 38
[3] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 61
[4] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 95
[5] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 149
[6] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 114
[7] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 50
[8] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) pp. 175-176
[9] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 195
[10] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 199
[11] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 205