Here are two great articles about rank and file Congressional Democrats who are running scared over their voting records, especially the bailouts and healthcare reform. Another great example of why listening to the voters after the fact can be hazardous to one’s political health. Voters are angry over what the Democrats have jammed down their throats and the holier than thou aristocratic way it was done. Now that they are finally listening to the voters, too little too late in many cases, Democrats are astounded by the reactions and are scrambling to wrap themselves in conservative clothing while distancing themselves from their votes.
I predict this will be the most unsuccessful wolf in sheep’s clothing political maneuvers in American History. The voters are seeing right through them and don’t want another two years, or more, of being told they won’t know how good a piece of legislation is until it is passed and implemented. It looks like the Democrats have underestimated how far they can degrade and push voters around and will pay dearly with it come November.
There are several great lessons that can be learned by political candidates everywhere. One, don’t push through highly unpopular legislation with an arrogant and dismissive attitude. This only angers and irritates voters. Two, make a strong, logical argument for the legislation while listening to voters’ concerns and disagreements. Voters don’t want to be whitewashed and talked down to and don’t respond well when that happened. Three, no amount of third world strongman rhetoric meets Madison Avenue propaganda style publicity blitz will effectively turn the tide of heavy voter disapproval no matter how often you push it. Voters know snake oil when they see it no matter how pretty the packaging is. Four, you may be able to get into power and try these three things once. But come the next election, there will be a great deal of former elected officials standing in the unemployment.