05 December 2009

Researcher: NASA hiding climate data (Washington Times) - Anyone know if Acorn has a scientific division?


I wonder if Acorn has a scientific division that is assisting in the global warming effort.  Regardless, altering and misrepresenting actual data and outcomes appear to be systemic across the liberal spectrum.  Can’t take over a capitalist country by gaining public support for desired policies?  (1) Have a nutty organization add a few thousand dead people, cartoon characters, and professional athletes to the voting rolls to fix it. (2) Create hysteria about how everyone is going to die if they don’t give up their cars, freedoms, and way of life by misrepresenting climate data and then destroying the raw data to avoid any scrutiny.  (3) Create additional hysteria by claiming that everyone is going to die if the people do not give up their freedom and hard earned wages so the government can create an unwieldy universal healthcare system that has been proven not to work effectively and efficiently in any other country that has tried it.  (4) Claim that the argument is over and anyone opposing your policies or positions as hate mongers, racists, homophobes, bigots, haters of nature, sore losers, nut cases, etc.  (5) If all else fails, pass it on a weekend when no one is watching regardless of what the people want and then force it down their throats with threats of fines and jail time.

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Comcast-NBC Deal: Does the Mergers Approval Rest on Health Care? - from breitbart.com's Big Government


Wow this is typical of the Obama Administration and the Pelosi-Reid cabal in Congress.  If you want something done you must come bow down to us and pay the requisite homage we demand.  Too bad America will be sold further up the river for continued and new programming that no one wants to watch.  Maddow, Olberman, and Tingle legs Matthews must be hoping for the possibility that this change will get them out of the ratings dump.  However, like the hope and change they have already bought into with Obama, this too will be just an illusion as no one wants to watch their tirades and drivel.

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30 November 2009

7 stories Barack Obama doesn't want told-Politico.com #tcot #iamthemob #glennbeck

Presidential politics is about storytelling. Presented with a vivid storyline, voters naturally tend to fit every new event or piece of information into a picture that is already neatly framed in their minds.

No one understands this better than Barack Obama and his team, who won the 2008 election in part because they were better storytellers than the opposition. The pro-Obama narrative featured an almost mystically talented young idealist who stood for change in a disciplined and thoughtful way. This easily outpowered the anti-Obama narrative, featuring an opportunistic Chicago pol with dubious relationships who was more liberal than he was letting on.

A year into his presidency, however, Obama’s gift for controlling his image shows signs of faltering. As Washington returns to work from the Thanksgiving holiday, there are several anti-Obama storylines gaining momentum.

The Obama White House argues that all of these storylines are inaccurate or unfair. In some cases these anti-Obama narratives are fanned by Republicans, in some cases by reporters and commentators.

But they all are serious threats to Obama, if they gain enough currency to become the dominant frame through which people interpret the president’s actions and motives.

Here are seven storylines Obama needs to worry about:

He thinks he’s playing with Monopoly money

Economists and business leaders from across the ideological spectrum were urging the new president on last winter when he signed onto more than a trillion in stimulus spending and bank and auto bailouts during his first weeks in office. Many, though far from all, of these same people now agree that these actions helped avert an even worse financial catastrophe.

Along the way, however, it is clear Obama underestimated the political consequences that flow from the perception that he is a profligate spender. He also misjudged the anger in middle America about bailouts with weak and sporadic public explanations of why he believed they were necessary.

The flight of independents away from Democrats last summer — the trend that recently hammered Democrats in off-year elections in Virginia — coincided with what polls show was alarm among these voters about undisciplined big government and runaway spending. The likely passage of a health care reform package criticized as weak on cost-control will compound the problem.

Obama understands the political peril, and his team is signaling that he will use the 2010 State of the Union address to emphasize fiscal discipline. The political challenge, however, is an even bigger substantive challenge—since the most convincing way to project fiscal discipline would be actually to impose spending reductions that would cramp his own agenda and that of congressional Democrats.

Interesting story. It again shows the arrogance of the Obama Administration and their desire for image control. Obama would be better suited in some banana republic aside Chavez or Castro.

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The White House Takes On POLITICO - What a Bunch of Whiners!!! #tcot #iamthemob #glennbeck

It's not just Fox News that's become subject of White House derision. The following is an excerpt from a joke e-mail that is circulating among White House staffers.  It's a response, of sorts, to the analytical essay that POLITICO editor-in-chief John Harris wrote about the "seven stories that Barack Obama doesn't want told."  It's fairly caustic -- and, truth be told, the White House maintains good relationships with POLITICO reporters and has been known to try and agenda-set by dishing out a few tips to the publication. But make no mistake: many on the White House senior staff dislike POLITICO's brand of journalism, and they do not like the effect that POLITICO's metabolism has on the rest of the press corps, including this (i.e., my own) corner of it.  Still, don't read too much into this. There's been plenty of back-and-forth between the Whit House and the POLITICO, and the White House accepts the role -- which is often substantial -- that POLITICO plays in the newsgathering process.

7 narratives politico is fighting in their efforts to get an interview with the President

1.       They are more interested in readers than accuracy

2.       Its okay to be wrong everyonce in a while, if your are the first to break the news

3.       More interested in gossip than news

4.       A spouter of the worst sort of insider conventional wisdom

5.       Their analysis about obama has been wrong more than any one

6.       Click ... period

7.       More obsessed with personality than policy

These guys(?) are a bunch of whiners. Did they really think that they were going to get nothing but fawning press? The last idol of the press, Bill Clinton, ended up being eaten alive by them. I have nothing against a private joke against an opponent, but one would think that these guys would be smart enough not to put it out in a medium that could be leaked where it could be used to make them look like a bunch of first graders.

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