I wonder if Acorn has a scientific division that is assisting in the global warming effort. Regardless, altering and misrepresenting actual data and outcomes appear to be systemic across the liberal spectrum. Can’t take over a capitalist country by gaining public support for desired policies? (1) Have a nutty organization add a few thousand dead people, cartoon characters, and professional athletes to the voting rolls to fix it. (2) Create hysteria about how everyone is going to die if they don’t give up their cars, freedoms, and way of life by misrepresenting climate data and then destroying the raw data to avoid any scrutiny. (3) Create additional hysteria by claiming that everyone is going to die if the people do not give up their freedom and hard earned wages so the government can create an unwieldy universal healthcare system that has been proven not to work effectively and efficiently in any other country that has tried it. (4) Claim that the argument is over and anyone opposing your policies or positions as hate mongers, racists, homophobes, bigots, haters of nature, sore losers, nut cases, etc. (5) If all else fails, pass it on a weekend when no one is watching regardless of what the people want and then force it down their throats with threats of fines and jail time.