20 August 2009

Democrats prepare to push health care without GOP - And this is different from when??


Is anyone really surprised that this is the plan??  The Democrats knew that they couldn’t get any substantial Republican support.  I believe that they only ever wanted one or two to side with them so they could claim it was a bipartisan bill and try to keep it from becoming a major campaign issue.  It now looks like they have given up on the smoke and mirrors and are showing their true colors.  They never cared what the average person wanted, their minds were made up well before the August recess and the town halls are just a dog and pony show so they could claim that they listened to the people.  Since that failed horribly, the Democratic leaders now have to go back and figure out how to get their colleagues that are rattled from the opposition in their districts back in line.

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

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