28 August 2009

Rep. Rangel failed to report income on financial-disclosure forms he filed between 2002 & 2006- More do as I say not as I do from liberals.


“Rep. Charles Rangel failed to report as much as $1.3 million in outside income -- including up to $1 million for a Harlem building sale -- on financial-disclosure forms he filed between 2002 and 2006, according to newly amended records.

The documents also show the embattled chairman of the Ways and Means Committee -- who is being probed by the House Ethics Committee -- failed to reveal a staggering $3 million in various business transactions over the same period.” So the chief Democratic tax writer is now in trouble for non-disclosure of income.  (“Rangel's office insists the Harlem Democrat did not conceal any outside income from the IRS and is paid up on his taxes.”)  Yeah, right.  How about that little misunderstanding in Costa Rica or the Dominican Republic where chief tax writer Rangel didn’t report his income to the IRS from a sale there?  What were the odds?  This is nothing more than an ongoing hypocrisy from liberals.

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