By J.D. Longstreet on August 13th, 2009Right versus left on the Blogosphere
Since I began writing for the conservative side of the blogosphere, I have been getting vicious, bitter, hate-filled comments from readers, and 99.9% of it is from the Political Left in America. I understood, when I began, that getting e-mail in disagreement with my opinions could be expected- and that it would come. And come it did!
It is as though the folks on the left can hardly contain their hate for everything and everybody who does not share their socialist views of the US and the world. There is absolutely no room for discord, unbelief, or disagreement among them. You must toe THEIR party line, believe what THEY do or you are a fascist, a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, narrow-minded, close-minded, nazi, … and the list of bitter smears goes on and on and they heap them upon ANYONE who does not march in lock step with THEM.
If I dare point this out (as I do from time to time) an avalanche of hate mail is unleashed upon this lowly commentator! I’m sure it’s the same way with other conservative writers – because I have seen it.
I’m no shrink, but I believe a shrink would say this is a manifestation of the self-hate and impotency on the part of the political left.
Now, to the Political Right: You’re not vocal enough. Plainly and simply, we do not raise our voices often enough in defense of our beliefs and our right to be a conservative. We are, indeed, the Silent Majority President Nixon mentioned. And it is hurting the efforts of the Right in this country.
When you read a blog posting you like, leave an encouraging comment. After all, the Right Wing bloggers are on the front lines of the battle with the Left. The Left does not hesitate to excoriate the right wing bloggers; they could certainly use your defense!
There is a war, in progress, in cyberspace, especially in the blogosphere between the political left and the political right. This is a war, which will last well into the future. The Right wants to participate in the blogosphere, and the Left wants to control blogosphere. There’s the difference.
The blogoshere is the new front lines. A new frontier, if you will, and whoever is there first with the most will recognize the rewards it can offer.
More and more people, the world over, are turning to the blogoshere for their news and information.
It took the Right 40 years to get itself together in order to gain control of all three branches of the US government. Of course, that is when we conservatives learned the Right had lost its ability to govern! Now the tables have been completely turned. The Socialist Left is in charge of the US government.
I found an interesting post on “Opinionnation Times” I’d like to recommend to you. Go HERE.
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Travis says:I am shocked at what you posted. You are obviously lacking in knowledge of the political atmosphere in this nation. Maybe you should quit blogging about what you think you know and start a new hobby, away from new ideas. Like knitting. You sound like you’d be good at it.
Mothlos says:You might get less venom and hate if you didn’t use backhanded words and phrases throughout your writing. I won’t begin to presume why you write in this style or if it is even a conscious choice, but if you are genuine in your desire to understand why people react like this it is because this is how a lot of people of across the political spectrum react when they don’t feel like they are part of the conversation.
I am having trouble believing that you genuinely would like to come together with those of diverse political viewpoints due to your use of charged terms like ObamaCare to refer to the proposed health care reform. You have learned from a long line of shock pundits who flame the tribal partisanship and drive wedges of fear and distrust.
Stop vilifying other people who also want what you want, a safe, prosperous, wise society. You probably agree with them on more than you disagree and if you sit down and talk, as many do, you might just find that you aren’t as far apart when you do disagree.
Denise says:I’ve been smeared on my blog and on others when I comment, but that will NOT keep me from calling it as I see it. It’s called the First Amendment.
Are there consequences to what we may say? Yep. But when you stand on principle and trust the moral compass God gives you, you can’t lose.
Intelligent debate is always a good thing, and we conservatives/libertarians recognize that. Unfortunately, when our ideas don’t fit the opposition’s template, we’re accused of hate speech. But it’s okay when Bush or Palin is being attacked. That’s different!
My advice is to stand strong on your beliefs. You will always have people who disagree, but don’t let them keep you from staying respectful in the debate. There are more people out there who agree with you than you may think!
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Longstreet is right on with his analysis!! Something that should be taken to heart and understood. Need more proof? Look at the comments and see for yourself.
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