20 September 2009

Blog Post: Religion. Liberals' New Weapon Against Opposition. #TCOT #IAMTHEMOB #GLENNBECK

I don’t know how many times over Twitter or Facebook have I seen a statement from a liberal that went something like this: “If you were a true Christian you have to support healthcare reform because (insert scripture here)” or “Hey so-called Christians, how can you oppose healthcare reform and still believe this (insert another scripture here)” or my favorite “You can’t be a Christian and oppose healthcare reform because you are told (insert favorite reference).”

Here’s how I see the strategic timeline of liberals regarding current dissent over healthcare reform and massive government spending.  First, ignore dissent. Hmmm. That didn’t work.  Second, mention dissent but make off-color jokes and snide comments about them.  That didn’t work either.  Third, go with the tried and true name calling (un-American, racist, hate-monger, evil-monger, etc.).  Man these people just won’t go away.  When all else fails, the liberal strategy is to attack the opposition at their core beliefs.  I really hope this works because this vocal opposition is really getting annoying and others are starting to pay attention to them.

Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with using an opponent’s beliefs and words against them in a debate; in fact I use this strategy quite often.  However, it is necessary to fully understand the beliefs of an opponent before trying to use them.  It is quite apparent that most of the liberals I have seen across the social media landscape spouting biblical scripture with derision against their opponents have no clue about the actual base of beliefs surrounding the teachings of the bible.  What liberals do not understand about the Bible, and subsequently about God’s teachings, is that it is about free will and choice.  It is “If you love me keep my commandments” NOT “You have no choice but to keep my commandments.”  We are all our brother’s keepers but no where within Christian belief or God’s teachings are there mandates that force the execution of that charge.  Christians believe that charity is a willingness to assist others in need through the good will and desire of the giving party without forced compliance.  If one has to be forced to do something then they are an unwise and slothful servant.  Should someone fall into that category, God does not then force them to capitulate and obey.

The idea of forced redistribution of wealth through government social programs, including healthcare reform in its current incarnation, in the name of social justice is not in line with God’s teaching.  The 10th commandment states: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s."   The theory of wealth distribution and social justice wholly and completely violates this commandment.  Thus, opposition to such programs is not anti-Christian by any means, rather because Christianity is about free will and choice any opposition to a program that takes free will away can arguable be a Christian act.  

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

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