03 September 2009

For those of you who want the Federal Government to take over the healthcare industry (approximately 1/5 of the American economy), let's do the math.

For those of you who want the Federal Government to take over the healthcare industry (approximately 1/5 of the American economy), let’s do the math.

1. Social Security: Insolvent due to being a heavily used slush fund for politicians’ out of control spending habits (SS can only invest surplus funds, the difference between incoming tax revenue and outgoing benefits, in government securities)

2. Amtrak: Insolvent despite constant government bailouts

3. Post Office: Insolvent (will be passing out IOUs instead of paychecks by Oct. 2009)

4. Medicare: Insolvent w/ massive fraud problems

5. Medicaid: Insolvent w/ massive fraud problems

Tell me again why this is a good idea.  Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  I think healthcare reform as it has been presented absolutely fits the definition of insanity.  Still don’t believe me?  Give me one good example of a government program that is run efficiently and cost effectively.  I’ll wait….

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

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