04 September 2009

Health bills might not protect needy Americans - More good news about the liberal's heathcare takeover plan


So much for taking care of those that the liberals are claiming to be looking out for in this government power grab called healthcare reform.  “Under the House Democrats' proposal, people receiving government subsidies could still end up spending 20 percent or more of their annual incomes on premiums, deductibles and co-insurance, according to estimates prepared by the House Committee on Ways and Means... That financial load could grow substantially if the proposal's financing — $1 trillion over a decade — is pared back as congressional leaders come under pressure to reduce the legislation's costs.”  I thought this was all supposed to be a free ride for Americans.  Isn’t that what the Democrats have been claiming?  If they are wrong about that, where else are they in error?  I would accuse the Democrats of lying, but that would take a knowledge of the subject matter to do so.

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

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