17 September 2009

New Blog Post: The present Constitution is the standard to which we are to cling. If we don't, we will regret it for generations.

“The present Constitution is the standard to which we are to cling. Under its banners, bona fide must we combat our political foes.” - Alexander Hamilton

With the current assaults on the Constitution and our individual freedoms, this Alexander Hamilton quote is even truer today.  It is time to stand strong & let the truth be heard.  There is more at stake here for us & our posterity than we realize.  If we as Americans don't stand up for our rights & say no more, we may be seeing our freedoms and liberties be taken away from us without a hint of resistance.  First it will be government mandated and controlled healthcare, then our lives will be controlled under cap & trade (nope not really dead yet), then who knows what freedom will go next with the rest falling like dominoes.  The media and their leftist allies are reduced to calling names & making accusations of racism against those who will not go away quietly & allow their freedoms taken away under the guise of saving us from ourselves.  The rhetoric from the left is becoming quite hysterical & worrisome in many ways. 

Don’t believe me?  See what Nancy Pelosi has to say about the dissent and pushback by Americans that are currently going on (http://conservativedynamics.posterous.com/pelosi-chokes-up-warning-against-political-vi). ; It appears that Pelosi is threatening martial law and the total suspension of rights and freedoms if Americas doesn’t sit down, shut up, and take it like the good little sheep the liberals think we are.  This quite unsettling to me as I would not be surprised in the slightest that the Obama Administration, with the help and support of those currently in control of Congress, would be willing to play that card if they thought they could get away with it as a tool to usher in their vision of America against the wishes of the people.

Things are getting scary folks.  The last line of the Declaration of Independence reads thus: “And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”  It is again time to make the same pledge with each other as we fight for the survival of our freedoms from those wanting to destroy them.  The only difference is that this time the usurpers of freedom are not from across the ocean, they are among us and we have allowed them to get the power they enjoy now. It is our own fault that we are in this dire situation.  However, We the People can stop this shameless power grab and protect or freedoms through the continued public pressure that is being applied now and through the ballot box in 2010.  But we must stay together standing firm with nothing wavering as there is a great deal at stake.  If we don’t, we will have a lot to explain to our children and grandchildren as they toil under a tyrannical and despotic government not knowing or tasting of the freedoms we enjoyed.

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

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