07 September 2009

Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama (Back to School Event) - Nothing of real substance as usual


Nothing like a lot about me in an Obama speech.  Other than saying a great deal of nothing, as usual, and getting face time in front of impressionable students, I don’t see why Obama needs to do this.  The really annoying issue I see with his speech is that much of what he is talking about opportunities regarding creating business and maintaining freedom while his policies are trying to impede or destroy these opportunities.

I swear this guy is like an attention starved grade schooler looking for attention any way he can get it.  This is nothing more than Obama omnipotence propaganda towards kids.  Kind of reminds me of Hugo Chavez and some of his antics.  Besides if you can’t convince the adults, go after the impressionable kids so they can sing the praises to the almighty leader and apply pressure to their parents to support his policies or start indoctrinating them now to prepare for the time when they will vote.

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

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