17 October 2009

The Race Card, Football and Me - Limbaugh's response to the demigogery from the MSM and Liberals.


David Checketts, an investor and owner of sports teams, approached me in late May about investing in the St. Louis Rams football franchise. As a football fan, I was intrigued. I invited him to my home where we discussed it further. Even after informing him that some people might try to make an issue of my participation, Mr. Checketts said he didn't much care. I accepted his offer.

It didn't take long before my name was selectively leaked to the media as part of the Checketts investment group. Shortly thereafter, the media elicited comments from the likes of Al Sharpton. In 1998 Mr. Sharpton was found guilty of defamation and ordered to pay $65,000 for falsely accusing a New York prosecutor of rape in the 1987 Tawana Brawley case. He also played a leading role in the 1991 Crown Heights riot (he called neighborhood Jews "diamond merchants") and 1995 Freddie's Fashion Mart riot.

Associated Press

Rush Limbaugh



Not to be outdone, Jesse Jackson, whose history includes anti-Semitic speech (in 1984 he referred to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York City as "Hymietown" in a Washington Post interview) chimed in. He found me unfit to be associated with the NFL. I was too divisive and worse. I was accused of once supporting slavery and having praised Martin Luther King Jr.'s murderer, James Earl Ray.

Next came writers in the sports world, like the Washington Post's Michael Wilbon. He wrote this gem earlier this week: "I'm not going to try and give specific examples of things Limbaugh has said over the years because I screwed up already doing that, repeating a quote attributed to Limbaugh (about slavery) which he has told me he simply did not say and does not reflect his feelings. I take him at his word. . . . "

Mr. Wilbon wasn't alone. Numerous sportswriters, CNN, MSNBC, among others, falsely attributed to me statements I had never made. Their sources, as best I can tell, were Wikipedia and each other. But the Wikipedia post was based on a fabrication printed in a book that also lacked any citation to an actual source.

I never said I supported slavery and I never praised James Earl Ray. How sick would that be? Just as sick as those who would use such outrageous slanders against me or anyone else who never even thought such things. Mr. Wilbon refuses to take responsibility for his poison pen, writing instead that he will take my word that I did not make these statements; others, like Rick Sanchez of CNN, essentially used the same sleight-of-hand.

The sports media elicited comments from a handful of players, none of whom I can recall ever meeting. Among other things, at least one said he would never play for a team I was involved in given my racial views. My racial views? You mean, my belief in a colorblind society where every individual is treated as a precious human being without regard to his race? Where football players should earn as much as they can and keep as much as they can, regardless of race? Those controversial racial views?

The NFL players union boss, DeMaurice Smith, jumped in. A Washington criminal defense lawyer, Democratic Party supporter and Barack Obama donor, he sent a much publicized email to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell saying that it was important for the league to reject discrimination and hatred.

When Mr. Goodell was asked about me, he suggested that my 2003 comment criticizing the media's coverage of Donovan McNabb—in which I said the media was cheerleading Mr. McNabb because they wanted a successful black quarterback—fell short of the NFL's "high standard." High standard? Half a decade later, the media would behave the same way about the presidential candidacy of Mr. Obama.

Having brought me into his group, Mr. Checketts now wanted a way out. He asked me to resign. I told him no way. I had done nothing wrong. I had not uttered the words these people were putting in my mouth. And I would not bow to their libels and pressure. He would have to drop me from the group. A few days later, he did.

As I explained on my radio show, this spectacle is bigger than I am on several levels. There is a contempt in the news business, including the sportswriter community, for conservatives that reflects the blind hatred espoused by Messrs. Sharpton and Jackson. "Racism" is too often their sledgehammer. And it is being used to try to keep citizens who don't share the left's agenda from participating in the full array of opportunities this nation otherwise affords each of us. It was on display many years ago in an effort to smear Clarence Thomas with racist stereotypes and keep him off the Supreme Court. More recently, it was employed against patriotic citizens who attended town-hall meetings and tea-party protests.

These intimidation tactics are working and spreading, and they are a cancer on our society.

Mr. Limbaugh is a nationally syndicated talk radio host.

Limbaugh as usual is taking his detractors to task in a classy and logical way.

Posted via web from conservativedynamics's posterous

15 October 2009

Who is the greater threat to the Republican Party? Olympia Snowe/Lindsey Graham or Rush Limbaugh/ Glenn Beck?

If one listens to the mainstream media and the liberal wing of the Republican Party it is Limbaugh and Beck.  According to these people, Limbaugh and Beck are turning off voters to the Republican Party and driving them en masse to the Democratic Party because of their “inflammatory” and “out of step” rhetoric.  The cry is to move to the middle, expunge the party of “right-wing radicals” and become more like the Democratic Party.  The shrill coming from this group of progressives is that while the likes of Limbaugh and Beck, and their supporters, are a part of the Republican Party is in deep trouble and cannot win national elections because it is too far to the right.

What the mainstream media and the left wing of the Republican Party either don’t understand or are scared witless about is that commentators like Limbaugh and Beck speak to a large audience of like minded individuals.  What is also left out is that neither Limbaugh nor Beck pretend to speak for the party and that there are plenty of times that both hammer the Republican Party for acting like Democrats.  Some of those in Limbaugh and Beck’s audiences are Republicans, some are Libertarians, and some are Independents.  While there are differences of opinion, these audience members are all in agreement over one thing.  They don’t like the direction the country is headed.  These are generally intelligent individuals who understand the basics of history and have seen what socialistic policies have done to other countries and don’t want anything to do with them.  This group does its best to follow conservative principles and stick as close to the original intent and beliefs of the Founders as they can.  Many in this group are the core supporters of the Republican Party.  These are the ones who, at times, have to hold their noses and vote for the “moderate” Republican when their candidate of choice has either been beaten in the primaries or they cannot find a true conservative to run for the position.  These are the ones who contribute to campaigns.  These are the ones who want the Republican Party to stand on its principles rather than compromise them in hopes of some love from the media.  These are the ones who will make the difference in the 2010 midterm elections.

On the other side are Olympia Snowe, Lindsey Graham, and other moderate (code for liberal) Republicans.  These are the “Republicans” who spend more time hanging out with their Democratic colleagues than they do with their Republican counterparts.  They obviously do not subscribe to nor believe in the conservative values and principles that the Republican Party should.  These are the career politicians who will do and say anything to get re-elected regardless if that is the desire or in the best interest of their constituents.  (Thankfully Arlen Specter did the honorable thing and switched parties.)  This is also the group that believes that the Constitution is a living document and can be interpreted according to the current popular whim or twisted in order to justify the latest expansion of the Federal Government.  These are the ones who teamed up with the media and ridiculed the average voter and tea party attendee for being out of touch with reality or not smart enough to understand what is going on.  These are the ones who ridicule conservative values and hail liberal ones.  These are the ones who want to mirror the Republican Party with the Democratic Party.  These are the ones who consistently support a larger federal government intrusion into daily life and the economy.  These are the ones who believe that Europe is the one on the right path politically, not America.  None of this is what the Republican Party was founded on, nor is it what the Founding Fathers had in mind.

What the Republican Party needs is more people who uphold conservative values and view the vision of the Founding Fathers as the answer. It does not need those who believe that the failed policies of European socialism and becoming a clone of the Democratic Party are the answer as its elected representatives.  Far too long have Republican voters elected Republican candidates who are truly Republican in name only strictly because they were the lesser of two evils.  No longer should this be the choice the stakes are too high.  This is what is destroying the party and driving off voters not comments from the likes of Limbaugh and Beck. If Republican leadership doesn’t understand this, maybe it is time to replace them with someone who does.

On a personal level, look at both sides, listen closely to what they say, and see for yourself where the problem lies.  If you still believe that Limbaugh and Beck, as well as their supporters, are the problems with the Republican Party maybe they should look in the mirror and honestly ask if you truly believe in the conservative principles that the Republican Party should be upholding such as the original intent and beliefs of the Founding Fathers, minimal government intrusion into personal lives and the economy, and the smallest tax burden possible.  If so, welcome and please become part of the solution.  If not, then maybe the Democratic Party, and its big government big tax agenda, is better suited for you anyway. 

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

Obama loosens missile technology controls to China... Another example of Obama selling out to US enemies


Another example of Obama selling America down the river.  Why not open up all of our military inventory and capabilities to anyone who wants them.  Then we will be safe and loved by everyone.  NOT!!  It is times like this when I begin to wish Carter was back in office.  (Yes I am old enough to remember that bumbling idiot)

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

13 October 2009

Michelle Obama doll - Just like the real thing humorless and stiff!

Toymaker releases Michelle Obama doll to do battle in the shops with action figure of her husband

By Paul Thompson
Last updated at 6:46 PM on 13th October 2009

First Lady Michelle Obama is known for her toned arms and fashion sense.

So it was inevitable that an 'action figure' doll showing off her trademark bare arms would hit the market.

A US toymaker has released a 6in doll that is expected to be a big seller at Christmas - and outsell those of her husband.

Michelle Obama action doll
Michelle Obama

Go figure: The Michelle Obama doll comes in three different outfits, including the purple dress the First Lady wore on the day her husband Obama clinched the Democratic presidential nomination 

Jason Feinberg of Jailbreak Toys, who release the doll next month, said he expects the Michelle figure to be popular with girls.

White House officials have refused to comment on the dolls which will sell for $12.99 - or about �8.22

The Michelle figure comes with three outfits - each tailored to show off her bare arms.

The first has the figure in the purple dress worn when the Obama's shared their famous fist bump during the campaign.

Another has her dressed in the red and black dress she wore on Election Night and the final figure has Michelle in the black-and-white floral dress she wore during an appearance on US TV chat show 'The View.'  

On their website Jailbreak toys says the Michelle doll is a must have.

Michelle Obama action doll

A version of the doll comes in the black and red dress Mrs Obama wore on election night

It says: 'If there's one person in America who has captured the public's imagination even more than Barack Obama, it's his wife Michelle.

'So following the runaway success of the Obama Action Figure we simply had to make Michelle because Barack and Michelle are a team in the best and truest sense of the word and you can't have one without the other.

Action man: Over 200,000 Barack Obama dolls have been sold since

Action man: Over 200,000 Barack Obama dolls have been sold since last year

'Just like in real life, the Michelle Obama Action Figure isn't simply be a female counterpart to Barack. She's her own lady with her own style and energy and, of course, her own fashion sense. 

Feinberg said his target audience for the new doll is not children but adults 'who collected toys as a child, who haven't lost that kind of whimsical enthusiasm.'

The toymaker said he came up with the idea of the First Lady doll six months ago in response to the popularity of Mrs Obama.

He said: 'The entire political scene was a little rosier at the time  But what was really apparent was the country, and really the world at large, were very enamoured of this lady.' 

He said the Barack Obama action figure had sold over 200,000 since being launched in 2008.

Feinberg admitted President Obama's image was that of a super hero while his wife's was more 'classy'.

Earlier this year the White House objected to toy dolls based on the Obama's children, Sasha and Malia.

The makers of Beanie Babies launched two dolls called Marvellous Malia and Sweet Sasha soon after the January Inauguration.

But the White House condemned the release with a spokesman saying: 'We feel it is inappropriate to use young private citizens for marketing purposes.' 

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This just proves how the White House is a laughing stock. Dolls being made after first wives. The Olympics with Oprah And the Nobel Prize for being a president? There are more deserving people , I am ashamed.

- w. dix, phila pa, 13/10/2009 18:57

Click to rate     Rating   52

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What an amazing likeness! Wouldn't buy it, but good for a laugh.

- LM, Hamilton, Canada, 13/10/2009 18:56

Click to rate     Rating   76

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Maybe she should have a nobel cringe prize.?

- Mickey, Newcastle uk, 13/10/2009 18:46

Click to rate     Rating   45

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I'll place some of those dolls in my flowerbeds, her scary likeness is bound to scare away the cats that mess in my garden.

Awful woman, awful doll.

- jojo, Swansea, 13/10/2009 18:43

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And the Obama cult of personality goes on. Too bad these people hate capitalism so much, they might make some money off the Obama mush heads. Oh wait, apparently capitalism is okay for them. Just ask Michael Moore the waling garbage compactor.

Posted via web from conservativedynamics's posterous

Forget the Taliban! White House Escalates War of Words With Fox News.


White House Escalates War of Words With Fox News

Anita Dunn, White House communications director, calls Fox News a "wing of the Republican Party," after the White House began using its government blog to criticize "Fox lies." 


Monday, October 12, 2009

White House communications director Anita Dunn, shown here, says FOX News is a Republican Party \\

"Going after a news organization, in my experience, is always a loser," Blankley said on CNN. "They have a big audience. And Fox has an audience of not just conservatives -- they've got liberals and moderates who watch too. They've got Obama supporters who are watching. So it's a temptation for a politician, but it needs to be resisted." 

Nia Malika Henderson, White House correspondent for the Politico newspaper, also questioned the White House offensive against Fox. 

"Obama's only been a boon to their ratings and I don't understand how this kind of escalation of rhetoric and kind of taking them on, one on one, would do anything other than escalate their ratings even more," she said. 

Dunn used an appearance on CNN's "Reliable Sources" over the weekend to complain about Fox News' coverage of the Obama presidential campaign a year ago. 

"It was a time this country was in two wars," she recalled. "We'd had a financial collapse probably more significant than any financial collapse since the Great Depression. If you were a Fox News viewer in the fall election, what you would have seen would have been that the biggest stories and biggest threats facing America were a guy named Bill Ayers and something called ACORN." 

Ayers was co-founder of the Weather Underground, a communist terrorist group that bombed the Pentagon and other buildings in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1995, Ayers hosted Obama at his home for a political function and the two men later served together on the board of an anti-poverty group known as the Woods Fund. 

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), which once had close ties to Obama, has been accused by a variety of law enforcement agencies of voter fraud. In recent weeks, the Democrat-controlled Congress moved to sever funding to ACORN after Fox News aired undercover videotapes of ACORN employees giving advice on how to break the law to a pair of journalists disguised as a pimp and prostitute. 

As for Dunn's complaint about Fox News' coverage of the Obama campaign, a study by the Pew Research Center showed that 40 percent of Fox News stories on Obama in the last six weeks of the campaign were negative. Similarly, 40 percent of Fox News' stories on Obama's Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain, were negative. 

On CNN, by contrast, there was a 22-point disparity in the percentage of negative stories on Obama (39 percent) and McCain (61 percent). The disparity was even greater at MSNBC, according to Pew, where just 14 percent of Obama stories were negative, compared to a whopping 73 percent of McCain stories -- a spread of 59 points. 

Although Dunn accused Fox News of being a "wing of the Republican Party," she said the network does not champion conservatism. 

"It's not ideological," she acknowledged. "I mean, obviously, there are many commentators who are conservative, liberal, centrist -- and everybody understands that." 

Still, Obama refused to appear on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace on Sept. 20, the day he appeared on five other Sunday shows. At the time, the White House characterized the snub as payback for the Fox Broadcast Network's decision not to air an Obama prime time appearance. But last weekend, Dunn blamed Fox News Channel's coverage of the administration for Obama's snub of Fox News Sunday. 

"Is this why he did not appear?" Dunn said. "The answer is yes." 

Wallace has called White House officials "the biggest bunch of crybabies I have dealt with in my 30 years in Washington." 

Dunn was asked by CNN's Howard Kurtz whether Obama would grant an interview to Fox News by the end of the year. 

"Obviously, he'll go on Fox, because he engages with ideological opponents and he has done that before, he will do it again," Dunn replied. "I can't give you a date, because frankly I can't give you dates for anybody else right now." 

But last week, Fox News was informed by the White House that Obama would grant no interviews to the channel until at least 2010. The edict was relayed to Fox News by a White House official after Dunn discussed the channel at a meeting with presidential spokesman Robert Gibbs and other Obama advisers. 

"What I will say is that when he (Obama) goes on Fox, he understands he's not going on it really as a news network, at this point," Dunn said on CNN. "He's going on to debate the opposition. And that's fine. He never minds doing that." 

Dunn also strongly implied that Fox had failed to follow up on a New York Times story about a scandal swirling around GOP Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, although Fox News broadcast the stories on numerous shows, including Special Report with Bret Baier. 

Clemente questioned the motives of the White House attack, which comes in the wake of an informal coffee last month between Fox chairman Roger Ailes and Obama adviser David Axelrod. 

"Instead of governing, the White House continues to be in campaign mode, and Fox News is the target of their attack mentality," he said. "Perhaps the energy would be better spent on the critical issues that voters are worried about." 

Blankley suggested the war on Fox News is unpresidential. 

"It lowers the prestige," he said. "If you're president or speaker, at a certain level, you don't want to be seen to be engaging that kind of petty bickering. If you're just a congressman, maybe you can do it." 

In an interview over the summer, Obama made clear that Fox News has gotten under his skin. 

"I've got one television station that is entirely devoted to attacking my administration," he told CNBC's John Harwood. "You'd be hard pressed if you watched the entire day to find a positive story about me on that front." 

At the White House Correspondents Dinner in May, Obama even mocked the media for supporting him. 

"Most of you covered me; all of you voted for me," Obama said, spurring laughter and applause from the assembled journalists. "Apologies to the Fox table." 

Gergen said the White House should delegate its attacks to outside support groups. 

"Why don't they take this over to the DNC, over to the Democratic National Committee, and have their struggles like that fought out over there and not out of the White House?" Gergen said. "I have real questions about that strategy." 

Click here for more on the conflict between the White House and Fox News. 

If FOX News is a wing of the Republican Party, then CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, and PBS are the media czars of the Obama Administration.

Posted via web from conservativedynamics's posterous

Apartment residents told to take down U.S. flags => One of many reasons I moved out of Oregon.

ALBANY, Ore. - At the Oaks Apartments in Albany, the management can fly their own flag advertising one and two bedroom apartments - but residents have been told they can't fly any flags at all.

Jim Clausen flies the American flag from the back of his motorcycle. He has a son in the military heading back to Iraq, and the flag - he said - is his way of showing support.

"This flag stands for all those people," said Clausen, an Oaks Apartment resident. "It stands for the people that can no longer stand - who died in wars. That's why I fly this flag."

But to Oaks Apartment management, Clausen said, the American flag symbolizes problems.

He was told to remove the red, white and blue from both of his rides, or face eviction.

"It floored me," he said. "I can't believe she was saying what she was saying."

Even long-time residents like Sharron White, who has flown a flag on her car for eight years, has been told to take it down.

White said management told her that "someone might get offended."

"I just said to her 'They'll just have to get over it,'" White said.

Resident we talked to who had been approached to take down their flags all told us the same thing: that management told them the flags could be offensive because they live in a diverse community.

Attempts to find out for ourselves why management would ban flags were unsuccessful. KATU wanted to talk to management at Oaks Apartments, but no one has returned our calls. The woman we were told had made the decision said she was "not going to answer any questions."

National Guard signThe mother of one soldier fighting in Iraq put up a poster in her son's apartment window when she learned of the ban. Her son's roommate said he'll risk eviction to make sure it stays.
Another Oaks Apartment resident, Judith Sherer, doesn't have a car. Instead she carries an American flag around the complex to protest the ban, and wonders if the flag pin she wears is next to be "singled out." 

"If I put it on and I walk outside, what's going to happen?" Sherer muses. "Am I going to be confronted by a manager about this?"

We're told the ban includes sports flags and even flag stickers on cars.

This is one of the reasons I moved out of the Pacific Northwest. Allergies to liberals was another.

Posted via web from conservativedynamics's posterous

1st grader may avoid suspension over utensil - More evidence of Govt being drug kicking and screaming to common sense

BALTIMORE (AP) - A Delaware first-grader suspended for bringing his favorite camping utensil to school will likely get a reprieve, a school board member said Tuesday.

Zachary Christie, 6, was ordered to spend 45 days in his district's alternative school for troublemakers after he tried to use the combination folding fork, knife and spoon to eat lunch at Downes Elementary School in Newark, Del.

The knife is banned as a dangerous instrument under the Christina School District's zero-tolerance policy, and officials said they were forced to act regardless of Zachary's age or what he planned to do with it.

Hundreds of people were expected to attend a school board meeting Tuesday night, and member John Mackenzie said the board would likely amend the policy. Any change would be retroactive to the beginning of the school year.

"The policy, of course, needs some additional flexibility," Mackenzie told The Associated Press. "Politically, zero tolerance is what everybody clamors for, until we start to realize how harsh zero tolerance can be."

Zachary's mother, Debbie Christie, is appealing her son's suspension and said she would prefer that the district's policy consider a child's age and intent.

"I understand why they have it, but I don't agree with the implementation of it," she told NBC's "Today" show Tuesday.

Zachary said in an interview on CBS' "Early Show" that he understands weapons don't belong in school.

"I agree that they shouldn't bring dangerous weapons to school but I don't think the punishment should be this bad," Zachary said. "It's not fair."

He's being homeschooled for now but said he sometimes misses his friends and wants to go back to Downes.

State Democratic Rep. Terry Schooley sponsored a bill that gave districts more flexibility on punishments, but the law applies to expulsions, not suspensions. She was moved to act after a fifth-grader in same school district was expelled last year for bringing a birthday cake and a serrated knife to cut it with; the expulsion was overturned.

"A state law can't cover every little circumstance that happens in a school district," she said.

Mackenzie said teachers and administrators have felt compelled to ignore the policy on occasion and he's surprised that didn't happen in Zachary's case.

The American Psychological Association has argued that strict zero-tolerance rules hurt student achievement and can even make schools less safe.

"When that common sense is missing, it sends a message of inconsistency to students, which actually creates a less safe environment," said Kenneth S. Trump, president of National School Safety and Security Services, a consulting firm. "People have to understand that assessing on a case-by-case basis doesn't automatically equate to being soft or unsafe."
Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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      What can I say? With this mentality government health care will be such a joy to have.

      Posted via web from conservativedynamics's posterous

      12 October 2009

      Mark Levin’s Ten Conservative Principles - Quite interesting and right on.

      Mark Levin is undeniably a patriot.  Period.  Everyday, he puts it all on the line to advance the cause of conservatism.  Through his radio show, he educates his listeners on points of Constitutional law, as well as government abuses.  His book, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto, will light the way for conservative activism, and effectively end the liberal dominance in government.  It has now reached over a million readers, and threatens the abuse of power of America’s Marxist controlled U.S. Congress.


      Levin doesn’t do this because he seeks fame and fortune.  Rather, he writes the book and does his daily radio show, because he has principles.  These principles are laid out in his new book.  He has more than ten, but these ten stand out above all others:


      America is guided by morality, having an origin in God.  America was born of the Judeo-Christian ethic, and our laws are governed by a morality, having an origin in God.  It was the faith of the Founding Fathers, and so evident within the Declaration of Independence, that it is part of the tradition handed down by the Founding Fathers.  In his book, on page 26, Levin writes about that faith of the Founding Fathers:  “They were men of varying denominations but united and emphatic in the belief that the Creator was the origin of their existence and the source of their reason.”[1]


      The U.S. Constitution is not a “living and breathing document.”  Americans are guided by contracts, and the biggest of these contracts is the U.S. Constitution.  It is the defining document which enables our rights, and delegates the powers to each branch of the U.S. Government, as well as to the states of the Union.  It prevents societal experimentation, and was the mortar on which the bricks were laid in founding the country.  Mark wrote on the U.S. Constitution saying, “The Constitution is the bedrock on which a living, evolving nation was built.  It is—and must be—a timeless yet durable foundation that individuals can count on in a changing world.  It is not perfect but the Framers made it more perfectible through the amendment process.”[2]


      The Free Market fosters creativity and inventiveness.  American conservatives know that businesses operating in a free market system are far more productive than any other businesses in the world.  For they understand that to do away with this system will create high unemployment and expand poverty never before seen on American soil.  Mark Levin agrees, writing, “The Free Market is the most transformative of economic systems.  It fosters creativity and inventiveness.  It produces new industries, products, and services, as it improves upon existing ones.  With millions of individuals freely engaged in an infinite number and variety of transactions each day, it is impossible to even conceive all the changes and plans for changes occurring in our economy at any given time.  The free market creates more wealth and opportunities for more people than any other economic model.”[3]


      The Welfare State must be dissolved.  Americans understand that to keep their traditions, the welfare state must be dissolved.  It is through this state that generation after generation is chained in vicious cycles, stealing from one another to give to the next.  This was not a principle handed down by our Founding Fathers, rather, it is a concept that has its roots based in the New Deal and Social Security.  “If the Statist were to declare to devise a scheme whereby a grandparent would be stealing future earnings from his own grandchild, would the grandparent consent to such immoral behavior?  Yet entitlement programs tend to be intergenerational swindles that threaten the well-being of future generations with massive financial obligation incurred from benefits received by today’s generation.  The Holy Grail of such programs is Social Security, followed closely by Medicare and Medicaid.”[4]


      Illegal immigration is against the law, and threatens our security, morality and traditions as a nation.  America is a nation of immigrants, but then, according to Mark so is every nation in the world.  We are made up of different cultures, but to indiscriminately allow illegal immigration is a threat to our security, culture, language, morals, traditions and customs.  “No society can withstand the unconditional mass migration of aliens from every corner of the earth.  The preservation of the nation’s territorial sovereignty, and the culture, language, mores, traditions, and customs that make possible harmonious community of citizens, dictate that citizenship be granted only by the consent of the governed—not by the unilateral actions or demands of the alien—and then only to aliens who will throw off their allegiance to their former nation and society and pledge their allegiance to America.”[5] 

       Enviro-statism is a threat to freedom and its citizens.  Americans embrace science, and yet it is the conservative that is said to have abandoned science.  Nevertheless, it is the Statist that has abandoned science.  In the name of the environment, he seeks power, and has forsaken America and the truth.  “With the assistance of a pliant or sympathetic media, the Statist uses junk science, misrepresentations, and fear-mongering to promote public health and environmental scares, because he realizes that in a true, widespread health emergency, the public expects the government to act aggressively to address the crisis, despite traditional limitations on governmental authority.”[6]

       The Tenth Amendment should never be forgotten, keeping Federalism alive and well.  The conservative knows all too well the intention of government is to grow.  He understands that an overbearing and meddling federal government can reach with its long arm into the state in which he resides, spreading tyranny and limiting freedom.  But the Tenth Amendment is not to be ignored; rather, it is that amendment which was to keep the intent of the Declaration of Independence.  “Along with limiting federal power and separating that power among three competing branches, the federal system would help ensure that the Revolution’s principles, as set forth in the Declaration of Independence, and the civil society itself would be safeguarded.  States are more likely to better reflect the interests of their citizens than the federal government.  Localities are even more likely to better reflect these interests because the decision makers come from the communities they govern—they are directly affected by their own decisions.”[7]


      Self Preservation is the reason for public policy.  Conservatives understand that the reason for public policy is for the preservation and improvement of American society.  It cannot be made in an experimental attempt to rush us into a Utopian society.  It must be the same for American foreign policy.  “The Founders recognized that America had to be strong politically, economically, culturally, and militarily to survive and thrive in a complex, ever-changing global environment not only in their time but for all time.  History bears this out.  After the Revolutionary War, the Founders realized that the Confederation was inadequate to conduct foreign affairs, since each state was free to act on its own.  The authority of the national government to raise and maintain a standing army and use military power within the framework of a republican system was among the first matters addressed by the Framers when they presented the finished Constitution to the states for ratification.  The Framers understood the complementary purpose of domestic and foreign policy.”[8]


      Conservative activism must be maintained at all times to keep Americans educated.  Conservatives know that we must continue to educate the masses of individuals that would rather watch American Idol than to even notice the amount of taxes taken from their paycheck.  It is in this principle that we can never, under any circumstances, allow ourselves to fall into a malaise when in power.  We must continue to be active in our educational opportunities.  “The conservative must become more engaged in public matters.  It is in his nature to live and let live, to attend to his family, to volunteer time with his church and synagogue, and to quietly assist a friend, a neighbor, or even a stranger.  These are certainly admirable qualities that contribute to the overall health of a society.  But it is no longer enough.”[9]  We must be organized, resolved and aggressive in defeating the left, and keeping them down so that they never dare think of entering public life again.


      Americans have the right to keep the fruit of his own labors.  The conservative understands that in order to have more, he must be allowed to keep the fruits of his own labor.  Taxes must be kept low, and government spending must be kept under control so that prosperity may ring throughout America.  But it is the left that wishes for a powerful, federal government, spending us into debt for generations to come.  The new Democrat controlled Congress has shown us that it will only continue to prolong recessionary trends.  Therefore, taxes must be reduced to give people and business more disposable incomes.  And all conservatives would agree that the progressive income tax must go.  Mark thinks that the progressive income tax should be replaced with a flat or national sales tax:  “Eliminate the progressive income tax—replace it with a flat income tax or a national sales tax—for its purpose is to redistribute wealth, not fund the constitutionally legitimate functions of the federal government.  All residents must be required to pay the tax so they have a stake in limiting its abuse.”[10]


      Conservative Americans know that this nation is headed towards socialism.  They must be active, they must organize, and they must fight the “Statist” with every breath.  They must not be complacent, or they will lose everything that has been achieved in 233 years.  We must rid ourselves of the “Statists” in power, and the less than conservative members currently in office.


      We must yell with a resounding NO, telling them that their final days have come.  We will return this great country to its citizens, by limiting government spending and reducing taxes.  It will become prosperous once again; insuring an America that’s debt is controlled for future generations. 


      In order to accomplish these goals, reading Mark Levin’s Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto should be the first on the list.  This will give conservatives the education to battle the “Statist” and his agenda.  It will help us to spread conservatism as though it were a California wildfire, burning and destroying the left and their future attempts at political office.


      Armed with Mark Levin’s Ten Conservative Principles, we can begin to cut taxes, government spending, control and enforce illegal immigration, reform Social Security and Medicare, have a strong and appropriate foreign policy, keep organizations of faith strong in America and abide by the U.S. Constitution.  Most of all we can “insure blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,” as stated in the Preamble to the Constitution, and we can provide them an opportunity at “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence.  We can therefore crush the left and the tyranny they spread.


      With Mark Levin’s Ten Conservative Principles, there is nothing we can’t accomplish.  America can become that “shining city on a hill,” just as Reagan said.  But we must begin now.  Or in Mark Levin’s words, “We Conservatives need to get busy.”[11]





      [1] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 26

      [2] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 38

      [3] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 61

      [4] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 95

      [5] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 149

      [6] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 114

      [7] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 50

      [8] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) pp. 175-176

      [9] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 195

      [10] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 199

      [11] Mark Levin, Liberty And Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (New York: Threshold Editions, 2009) p. 205

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      'O,' say can you see Obama's face on U.S. flag?

      This is absolutely obscene!!  The Obama cult of personality is getting more and more scary!!


      Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

      Top Twenty Things Obama Doesn't Say


      This is too good.  I think I would faint if I heard him say #6 especially.

      Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

      50 Ways You Can Help Obama Change America - Latest Not Best Seller By A Liberal


      I did not realize that America needed or wanted the Change that Obama wants.  Look at the poll numbers and one can see that the voters believed that they were mislead.

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      Hey Al Gore!!! Here's your global warming!! How do you like them apples??

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      More Evidence of Liberal Support of Open, Public Debate? DOJ denies existence of a 'blog squad'

      Various conservative blogs are talking about the existence of a "blog squad" at the U.S. Justice Department. The website, the Muffled Oar writes that a blogging unit formed within the Department of Justice to counter websites with posts, articles, and user comments critical of the Obama administration.  Matthew Miller Director of Public Affair at the Justice Department told the Washington Times,:

      "There is no 'blog squad'. There is Tracy [Russo] who handles online media.  It’s the policy of the office of public affairs to not post anonymous comments.  We have not seen any evidence that anyone does post comments, and if we did have evidence of that, people would no longer work here." 

      Mr. Miller countered accusations of the existence of a "blog squad" pointing to what he says is lack of evidence. 

      "I noticed, actually, that the posts don’t actually point to any evidence of anonymous comments coming from the Department of Justice, which of course, I believe you can trace.  I think it says they’ve seen an uptick."

      The Muffled Oar, first reported on the existence of such a blogging unit, writing:

      "Tracy Russo is one such blogger from the campaign of John Edwards. The unit is housed in the Office of Public Affairs. Not only is the Department of Justice Blog Squad going to reach out to nontraditional media like TPM Muckraker or the Muffled Oar, but they are also tasked with fostering anonymous comments at conservative leaning blogs such as the Free Republic. They are also tasked with fostering anonymous comments, or comments under pseudonyms, at newspaper websites with stories critical of the Department of Justice, Holder and President Obama."
      National Review's the Corner blog picked up this story from Muffled Oar on Tuesday:
      "At the same time that DOJ was refusing to answer questions about its outrageous dismissal of the voter-intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party and apparently paying government employees to post anonymous or pseudonymous comments or comments under false names attacking critics of the administration, the department declared that it was launching its new website “to increase openness and transparency in government.”

      The Muffled Oar points out that Ms. Russo of the DOJ's Public Affair's office is a former John Edwards campaign blogger. However, Mr. Miller defends Ms. Russo's role at DOJ saying,:

      "Tracy [Russo] was hired to lead our online efforts which have been to redesign the department’s web page to lead the post into social media to use new communications tools to communicate with the American people."

      This story seems far from over. Should it be surprising web users are suspicious of a Democrat political partisan former campaign blogger who has the power of the Justice Department behind her now?  Apparently this administration still has not learned much from their past mistakes.

      More evidence that this administration is all about open public debate as long as it puts all things Obama an cronies in a favorable light.

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      Liberal Example of Public Debate-Mic Shut Off When Reporter Questions Gore on Global Warming Errors

      Former Vice President Al Gore shared his optimism about the "shifting momentum" of the climate change debate with about 500 environmental journalists Friday in Madison.

      "We're very close to that political tipping point," Gore said at the Society of Environmental Journalists annual conference at the Madison Concourse Hotel. "Never before in human history has a single generation been asked to make such difficult and consequential decisions."

      He said he expects the Senate to pass a carbon emissions reduction bill before a December United Nations conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. The House passed a similar bill in June.

      He also said he expects President Barack Obama to attend the Copenhagen conference, which could boost an international framework for emissions reduction. Obama hasn't announced his plans.

      "I am optimistic," Gore said. "I think there has been a very powerful recognition, not only in this country, but in many countries, that there is a linkage between the climate crisis and the economic crisis and the national security crisis that is in part derivative of the world's ridiculous over-dependence on carbon-based fuels."

      Some who attended the speech tempered Gore's hopefulness, characteristic of his lauded yet controversial effort to educate the public about carbon dioxide emissions and their link to rising temperatures.

      "His optimism isn't shared by a lot of other folks," said Tim Wheeler, an environmental reporter for the Baltimore Sun. Gore may have been trying to push politicians to action, Wheeler added.

      Conservative groups led by Collegians for a Constructive Tomorrow and Americans for Prosperity held a demonstration Downtown that drew about 200 people, including U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Menomonee Falls, who also participated in the conference's panel discussion following Gore's speech. The demonstrators worried Gore's policies would push American jobs overseas.

      Gore has been criticized for not publicly debating his position since the release of his 2006 Oscar-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth."

      In what organizers said was a rarity, Gore took half a dozen questions from journalists, including one from Phelim McAleer, an Irish filmmaker who asked Gore to address nine errors in his film identified by a British court in 2007.

      Gore responded that the court ruling supported the showing of his film in British schools. When McAleer tried to debate further, his microphone was cut off by the moderators.

      In a nod to a local supporter, Gore recognized former UW-Madison professor Henry Hart, who attended the speech and at 93 is the oldest person to have been trained to present the climate change slide show featured in Gore's film.

      "You are really an inspiration to me," Gore said.

      So much for liberal support for open debate. Oh wait, Gore said the debate is over. Guess not!

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