21 May 2010

Pics from This Morning's Sarah Palin-Vaughn Ward Event Here in Boise, Idaho

Here are the pics that actually turned out from this morning’s rally/fund raiser for the Vaughn Ward for Congress Campaign featuring Sarah Palin.  She was as authentic and energetic as ever.  She had the crowd excited and energized as only she can do.

If you are in the Idaho 1st Congressional District, you should check out Vaughn Ward’s campaign site at http://www.vaughnward.com.  This is a guy that can return the district to the “R” column.  Vaughn truly means what he says and his positions are right in line with those of the district.

Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics

20 May 2010

Fox News Poll: States Should Have Right To Make Immigration Laws

Amid the ongoing controversy over Arizona's new immigration law, voters by a 2-to-1 margin think individual states should have the right to make their own immigration laws. And a majority of voters would like their own state to follow Arizona's lead.
A Fox News poll finds 65 percent of American voters think states should have right to make their own immigration laws and protect their borders "if they believe the federal government has failed to act," while 32 percent disagree. Moreover, a 52 percent majority favors their own state passing a bill similar to Arizona’s new immigration law. Some 31 percent would oppose it and another 18 percent is unsure.

Here Comes the Next Massive Taxpayer Bailout: State Pension Funds

Joshua Rauh, associate professor of finance at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University said that, without reform, some state pensions might run out within the decade. By 2030, as many as 31 states may not have the money to pay pensions. And, if these funds exhaust their assets, the size of payments for the benefits they have promised will be too large to cover through taxes, putting pressure on the federal government for a bail-out that could potentially cost more than $1,000bn, he says.”

This is potentially a one trillion dollar or more taxpayer bailout because state governments can’t keep their hands out of the cookie jar.  I can’t wait for the unions to apply a heavy hand to Congress and the President while demanding these retirement funds are bailed out by us the taxpayers of this nation.  We are not an unlimited ATM machine but apparently many in power have forgotten that fact.  Where and when will it stop? 


Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics

House Republican Letter to the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Opposing the VAT Tax Option

The last thing America needs right now is more economic recovery killing taxation.  154 Republicans signed the letter sent to the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform opposing the VAT Tax. Kudos to these Republican members of the House who signed onto this letter.

"In a depressed economy, the number one priority of government should be to stimulate job growth.  With unemployment at nearly 10 percent, Americans cannot afford the burden of a new job killing tax.  But this is exactly what a VAT will do.  A VAT will increase the cost of goods and services for all Americans, including the lower and middle classes.  It will tax our manufacturers, sending even more jobs overseas.  And, it will decrease consumption, which will deepen the recession and suppress entrepreneurialism.  This is exactly what has happened in Europe where increased government spending and taxation has led to consistently high unemployment and suppressed economic activity."

“Disappointingly, some in Washington still believe that we must grow our government and the tax base to fix the debt crisis.  Recently the President’s own advisors have suggested that a VAT could be good for America.  Not even a 19 percent VAT was able to save Greece from a full-blown crisis.  We should not expect different results in America.”


Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics

19 May 2010

Conservatives, Liberals, and the Application of Equality

Both conservatives and liberals believe in equality.

However, they disagree in its application.

Conservatives believe in equality of opportunity.

Liberals believe in equality of outcome.

This is a small but ideologically important difference. 

Equality of opportunity mandates that the government stay out of the way and let the individual do all they can to succeed on their own merits and effort.

Equality of outcome requires the government to be involved in every facet of life to guarantee that the end result for each individual is equally successful regardless of effort applied.

In the end, one creates a free society and the other tyranny and despotism.

Which way do you think this country currently headed?

Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics