18 May 2011

Canyon County Republicans' 32nd Annual Republican Roundup June 10th!


Come join the Canyon County Republicans for their 32nd annual Republican Roundup at the Ste. Chapelle Winery in Caldwell!

Tickets are $30 each with children 6-12 $15 and those 5 and under are free.

Come join the fun and support the Canyon County Republicans in their efforts. I hope to see you there.

Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics

03 May 2011

Great Article by Reason Magazine About the Nationwide Movement of Education Reform.

This is a great article from the May 11th issue of Reason Magazine regarding the national move for education reform and its greatest opponent, teachers' unions. The article well thought out and written and is a must read for anyone interested in the subject.


Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics

15 April 2011

Excellent Piece by Congressman Raul Labrador on How Tax Day Should Remind Us That We Don't Need More Taxes


"As we prepare to file our income taxes it is important for all of us not to lose sight of the principles our nation was founded upon, not least of which were limited government and the rejection of an overwhelming tax burden."

This is a great piece by Congressman Labrador. He understands the problems we face financially as a country and will do anything in his power to help fix those problems and get this great country back on the right track.

Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics

Test Message

It's been awhile since I have posted anything to this account so I just need to check and make sure things are still up and running.

Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics

20 February 2011

A Twitter account named Union Thugs, which claims to be speaking for Idaho's teachers, wants to follow one of my Twitter accounts!

I love it! A Twitter account named Union Thugs, which claims to be speaking for Idaho's teachers, wants to follow one of my Twitter accounts. The major extent of their tweets are sending messages of a sarcastic and browbeating nature to legislators and supporters of Superintendent Luna's reform efforts. You would think that intelligent teachers could be a little more rational than that.

Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics

04 January 2011

Text of Obamacare Repeal Legislation

Here is the text of the legislation designed to repeal Obamacare.  An amusing sidenote is that the bill is only 2 pages long whereas the Obamacare bill was over 2,000.  The debate on the bill is scheduled to begin Friday January 7th and the final floor vote is slated for Wednesday January 12th.  This should provide some of the best political television aired in the recent past.

Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics