26 March 2010

Obamacare simplified into a single image

While everyone is saying what a complicated issue healthcare is, here is a single image that truly gets to the heart of Obamacare as passed by Congress and touted as the savior of the middle class and poor of this country.  The only question I have is how can one morally believe that forcing someone else to take care of your problems be ok?  Under this theory, robbery and theft should be legal as the ones who are victimized are only helping those who are more disadvantaged as they are.

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

25 March 2010

Universal Healthcare and the Commerce Clause

This is an old paper I wrote for a course in my Master’s Degree program which examines the unconstitutionality of a single payer healthcare system in regards to the Commerce Clause.  Despite the focus on single payer systems, it is equally pertinent to the monstrosity of a bill that was just sent to Obama’s desk for signing.

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

21 March 2010

Universal Healthcare and the Commerce Clause

This is an old paper I wrote for a course in my Master’s Degree program which examines the unconstitutionality of a single payer healthcare system in regards to the Commerce Clause.  Despite the focus on single payer systems, it is equally pertinent to the monstrosity of a bill that was just sent to Obama’s desk for signing.

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous