05 September 2009

Republicans file the Czar Act of 2009 - it's time to tell Obama 'Hell no you can't'. - Great post on Examiner.com


H.R. 3226 is a much needed piece of legislation to stop the rampant subversion of the Constitution by the Obama Administration.  Obviously this will go nowhere in the liberal, Obama minion Congressional environment that exists now.  With a little luck the elections of 2010 will provide a more conducive climate for this bill.  The appointing of Czars that are not vetted by the Senate or anyone else and answer only to the Executive Branch is a clear violation and subversion of the US Constitution.  Had this been Venezuela, China, N. Korea, Iran, or some other tyrannical, despotic regime then maybe it would be a different story.

Posted via email from conservativedynamics's posterous

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