29 June 2012

How I Would Spin Yesterday’s Obamacare Decision if I were a Candidate.

With all the postering that has been going on since the Supreme Court's decision was handed down yesterday regarding Obamacare, I though I would create a list of how I would spin it if I were a candidate.



·         Largest tax increase in history.

·         Will greatly effect the middle class and small business financially. Some to the point of ruin.

·         Will cause unemployment to sharply rise and the economy to stall.

·         The Democrats misled the nation on multiple occasions by claiming the penalty was not a tax in their attempt to rush the bill through.  Is this the party you want in charge?

·         Obama himself misled the nation about whether it was a penalty or a tax.  Do you want this guy to be your President if he can’t tell the truth?

·         There are at least 21 new taxes that will be levied.  7 of which will be on those who earn less than 250K per year.  Again Obama breaking one of his promises.

·         Republicans need to control both Congress and the Presidency so we can reverse this economic and freedom destroying monstrosity.

·         The Democrats tried to override the 10th Amendment and other Constitutional provisions by attempting to force states to insure all individuals under the 133% of poverty rate line or risk losing all Medicaid funding.

·         The increase in national debt from Obamacare will be massive and untenable.

·         Cuts by Obamacare to Medicare amounting to $500 billion is completely unacceptable.

·         Do you really want the Federal Government dictating what insurance coverage you have? Or do you want to be able to make the choice of what type of coverage you need?

·         Do you think the Federal Government can really effectively manage such an important issue as your health?  How well are they doing with Social Security, Medicare, the Postal System?

·         Republicans need to control Congress and the Presidency to keep the Democrats from expanding Obamacare and taking away more of Americans’ freedom to make their own choices in life.

·         It is each person’s responsibility to obtain health insurance.  It is not everyone else’s responsibility to pay if they choose not to.



·         The “tax” will only apply to those individuals and corporations who don’t want to pay their fair share.

·         The Supreme Court, most of which were appointed by Republicans, engaged in judicial activism by declaring the penalty for not purchasing healthcare as a tax.

·         Democrats needs to control Congress and the Presidency to be able to appoint judges who avoid the same type of judicial activism we saw in this decision and to improve and expand the provisions of the ACA.

·         It is our moral obligation as a nation to see that those who need healthcare coverage get it.

·         Without the ACA, the average person stands the chance of losing everything during a health crisis.

·         Everyone will have affordable healthcare and everyone will pay their fair share to help those who are unable to afford it or whose companies refuse to provide it for them.

·         Do you want greedy for-profit insurance companies or your employer determining your coverage and rates?  Or do you want a fair, cheap, and inclusive system for everyone?

·         Democrats need to control Congress and the Presidency to keep the Republicans from taking away healthcare from those that are the most vulnerable in favor of padding insurance companies bottom line.


Ron Paul:

·         Despite what I say about the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation is the ONLY way to go.

·         No federal government and very weak, toothless state governments.

·         If you can’t afford your own healthcare then you should just go home and die.

·         Not really.  Just a little poke at my Ron Paul supporting friends.  Regardless of what I think about some of his positions, his response to the decision yesterday was spot on.


Posted via email from Conservative Dynamics

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